Saturday, September 19, 2009

The Week That Was September 19

When I look at my iCal page for the week it is bristling with appointments and things scheduled but I certainly didn't get to all of it. I did get to the medical appointments but not to the gym or Weight Watchers. I did make a big effort though to get things done here at home so that I can enjoys the two week school holidays with the boys and so that I am on the way to being organised for life as a relief teacher which begins in two weeks.
I've also been enjoying some individual time with Eric as we plowed through Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets. I was reading him a chapter a night but he's now finished on his own and I have to finish it myself tonight before we start tomorrow on HP and the Prisoner of Azkaban. We also did some craft together this afternoon. I suppose it isn't the most manly thing to be doing - ripping up floral rice paper and gluing it to a ceramic jug and bowl set but it is good for his fine motor skills!
I'm having sleep issues which are making my mornings extremely difficult but I'll be working on getting a good routine going during the holidays.


  1. Interesting craft! My boy is reading the Harry Potter books, too! Have a great week!

  2. It's nice to see that you've been able to carve out some special time between you and your son. We have just started back to school here in Canada so this month is chock fullm of things starting up after the summer break...have a great week!

  3. Hope you will have a good time during your time together. But also hope you get the organizing done...and everything else. Is a mother's job ever done? Take care.

  4. That craft looks pretty cool! Way to go!

    Let me know if you "get organized!" I'm still working on it too....

  5. I think it's great that your son was willing to help you with a project...girly or not! :)

    My daughter has been reading the HP books with her dad. Not sure if I'll let her read book three yet. If I remember correctly, (I've read the first 4) it gets pretty scary. She's only in third grade.

    Have a great week!


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